A Serene Haven of Peace and Comfort

May 6, 2021

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Since the first quarter of 2020 until now, everyone has experienced lifestyle changes due to the pandemic coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The virus that was initially detected in Wuhan City, China in December 2019 has now spread to various parts of the world and has infected more than 100 million cases worldwide. Various bits of advice such as washing hands, using masks, and keeping a distance from other people were applied to avoid exposure to the virus.

Apart from implementing those, the biggest change is that the activities we usually did outside the home such as school and work turned into activities at home. Almost everyone had to adapt to this new condition in such a short time. This short time to adapt can have a negative effect on our mental health. The house that used to be a place to rest after a day of activities outside the house, has become like a “prison” because all activities are now carried out from inside the house.

This can be overcome by allocating some time for exercise or relaxation to ensure our bodies are exposed to sufficient sunlight and fresh air. Exposure to sunlight and fresh air can brighten your mood and increase the serotonin hormone. The serotonin hormone is very important in preventing depression and stress. The Puncak area, which was once synonymous with vacation houses, can now be considered for a permanent place to live. The Puncak area is blessed with an abundance of fresh air, thanks to its mountainous surroundings of Mount Gede, Mount Pangrango, and Mount Salak. The temperature in Puncak ranges from 14-20 degrees Celsius, significantly lower than the Jabodetabek area.

Agung Podomoro Land presents Vimala Hills as the first exclusive and premium residence in the Puncak area. Occupying land with perfect contours, surrounded by hills and valleys, and passed by rivers and lakes, Vimala Hills offers refreshing mountainous air and exotic views. There are 11 clusters in Vimala Hills, where the Everest cluster is the last cluster to complete Vimala Hills. The Everest cluster is located on a higher surface than the other clusters and the cluster design has been refined several times to ensure that every available space and land can be utilized optimally.

All clusters in Vimala Hills are equipped with attractive facilities, some of which are flower hills, comprehensive clubhouse, equestrian fields, camping ground, all-terrain vehicle (ATV)
track, mini zoo, fishing pond, restaurant, and deer & rabbit park. In addition to these facilities, the Everest cluster has a private clubhouse for its residents, the clubhouse is equipped with a swimming pool, an outdoor fitness centre, a yoga garden, and a jogging track that borders the cluster area. Through the forest cluster concept, the Everest cluster offers limitless fresh air and the most complete facilities in Vimala Hills.

Once the pandemic is over, residents don't have to worry about the distance from Vimala Hills to the capital city. Vimala Hills is strategically located and can be reached in only 30 minutes from Cawang and is neighbour to Pullman Ciawi Vimala Hills Resort which has become a favourite destination for countless families. Through Vimala Hills, Agung Podomoro Land offers priceless serenity and security.